Friday 19 February 2010

Slap the Nerd

Do NOT under any circumstances, slap a nerd. Unless they are HUGE nerds. Then you can slap them... sooo... the moral of this is (even though there was no story)... DONT SLAP NERDS because they will SLAP YOU BACK! In your throat! You know I'm talking about the candy right??? good. (: You can't slap nerds unless they are HUGE nerds... no joke. They're so tiny.


Ok... Soooo... I am testing my ability to blog on this particular web page on :) (i'm blogging and making sure it works) Sooo... WHO LIKES... LOVES FOOD!!! :D

Important insight on food!

This is the real Fernanda. The other posts are from imposters. :)

Tests again


Other places too

People in India and probably other places too eat dogs... poor dogs. :( I was in India one time... my mom ate dog, but she did not like it very much. My friend lives there and her brother says that dog tastes like cow. Poor dog burger. :(


People in China eat dogs...that is why this picture is relevant.

Blog Test

We're blog testing right now.....this is boring. But whatever, some people like to read :)